
Users are making their voices heard — here’s what the community is saying this week.


This week in Quoted! users are discussing the rise in interest and adoption of OpenStack and celebrating the fact that in 3 years Openstack has seen 1000,000 reviews. Take a look:

"The enterprise is validating OpenStack." — Jeff Denworth in Venturebeat

"While interest in EC2 has been increasingly steadily over the last three years, interest in OpenStack (which was essentially non-existent three years ago) has been exploding. In fact, it looks like interest in OpenStack is about to eclipse EC2 this year." — Yuri Sagalov of AeroFS

"No one person can be fully abreast of every single technological change or how it impacts the various facets of the business. So you want to be on the forefront, defining what the trends are, but also enabling and setting a culture that can bubble up innovations." — Jim Chou of Shutterstock in Medium

We feature user conversations throughout the week, so tweet, blog, or email us your thought!
