Meet Daniel Byström, one of the 11 nominees for the Superuser Awards in 2022


Who do you think should win the 2022 Superuser Awards? The annual Superuser Awards is to recognize organizations that have used open infrastructure to improve their business while contributing back to the community.

This year, the Superuser Awards winner will be announced at the OpenInfra Summit Berlin, June 7-9! Join the global community for its first in-person Summit in over two years and collaborate directly with the people building and running open source infrastructure using OpenStack, Kubernetes and 30+ other technologies. Get your Summit tickets before the price increases on May 17!

Daniel Byström is one of the 11 nominees for the Superuser Awards 2022. Check out why its team getting nominated:

Who is the nominee?

Daniel Byström. I’ve arranged Open Infra Forum meetups since 20150924 in Oslo, and then I took the event with me when I moved to Stockholm, continuing from 20170914 in Stockholm until the most recent event on 20220317.

I’ve arranged the events myself since the start, with kind help from different sponsors and speakers at every event.

How has open infrastructure transformed the organization’s business? 

Since I’ve always arranged the events personally and not under any company umbrella or with any company affiliation, the value for me has been learning, knowledge exchange, making new friends, and hopefully the visitors have realized the same benefits as well.

These events are a great foundation for learning and exchanging experiences, and recently have become opportunities for hiring, finding consultants and generally advancing the cause of open source in society in Sweden.

An example of how the events are hosted can be seen here: and here.

How has the organization participated in or contributed to an open source project?

See previous answer. I’ve arranged these meetups sicne 2015.

What open source technologies does the organization use in its open infrastructure environment?

Among the visitors, I’d say that many of them are using OpenStack, Ceph, Swift, k8s, linux etc. Generally most visitors are very strong and passionate users of open source.

The Superuser Editorial Advisory Board will review the nominees and determine the finalists and overall winner after the community has had a chance to review the nominees. Stay tuned!
