A tutorial from Adam Young shows how to set up a self trust for a reduced set of roles on your token.


Let’s say you are an administrator of an OpenStack cloud. This means you are pretty much all powerful in the deployment. Now, you need to perform some operation, but you don’t want to give it full admin privileges? Why? Well, do you work as root on your Linux box? I hope not. Here’s how to set up a self trust for a reduced set of roles on your token.

First, get a regular token, but use the –debug to see what the project ID, role ID, and your User ID actually are:

In my case, they are … long uuids.

I’ll trim them down both for obscurity as well as the make it more legible. Here is the command to create the trust.

openstack trust create --project 9417f7 --role 9fe2ff 154741 154741

Mine returned:

| Field              | Value                            |
| deleted_at         | None                             |
| expires_at         | None                             |
| id                 | 26f8d2                           |
| impersonation      | False                            |
| project_id         | 9417f7                           |
| redelegation_count | 0                                |
| remaining_uses     | None                             |
| roles              | _member_                         |
| trustee_user_id    | 154741                           |
| trustor_user_id    | 154741                           |

On my system, role_id 9fe2ff is the _member_role.

Note that, if you are Admin, you need to explicitly grant yourself the _member_ role, or use an implied role rule that says admin implies member.

Now, you can get a reduced scope token. Unset the variables that are used to scope the token, since you want to scope to the trust now.

$ openstack token issue --os-trust-id  26f8d2eaf1404489ab8e8e5822a0195d
| Field      | Value                            |
| expires    | 2018-10-18T10:31:57+0000         |
| id         | f16189                           |
| project_id | 9417f7                           |
| user_id    | 154741                           |

This still requires you to authenticate with your userid and password. An even better mechanism is the new Application Credentials API. It works much the same way, but you use an explicitly new password. More about that next time.

This post first appeared on Adam Young’s blog.

For more on Keystone, an OpenStack service that provides API client authentication, service discovery and distributed multi-tenant authorization, check out the project Wiki.

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