Gartner calls the latest edge driving 5G and internet of things a strategic tech trend for 2019.


Edge computing is at the top of tech bingo terms for yet another year. Gartner Inc. recently announced that it expects that in the next five years, “empowered edge” will be moving everything from internet of things to 5G: “Cloud computing and edge computing will evolve as complementary models with cloud services being managed as a centralized service executing, not only on centralized servers, but in distributed servers on-premises and on the edge devices themselves.”

Here’s a roundup of Superuser articles pushing those edgy boundaries.

The last mile: Where edge meets containers

Get involved

If you’d like to know more about edge initiatives, check out the Edge Working Group resources. You can also dial-in to the Edge WG weekly calls or weekly Use cases calls or check the StarlingX sub-project team calls and find further material on the website about how to contribute or jump on IRC for OpenStack project team meetings in the area of your interest. And if you’re working with edge and want to write about it (unlocking Active User Contributor status as well!) just email
